"The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child's own natural desire to learn."
Dr. Maria Montessori
Our mission is to provide a complete Montessori program which considers the emotional, intellectual, physical, and social development of the total child by addressing the uniqueness of each in a nurturing, secure and academically excellent environment.

About Us
The Children's Tribe program is based on children's developmental needs and creates freedom within limits through a carefully prepared environment. The environment allows exposure to materials and experiences which develop intelligence, as well as, physical and psychological abilities. Montessori materials are self-correcting, interesting to children and developmentally appropriate. The prepared environment is central to the implementation of the Montessori curriculum.


Lower Elementary
Lower Elementary

Upper Elementary
Upper Elementary

A mixed age group of 6th, 7th and 8th grades makeup this program. Within this program, students learn through practical applications and projects. The class has weekly, and monthly meeting to plan curriculum, projects, field trips and provide feedback. Students have a wide variety of studies in algebra, geometry, biology, chemistry, humanities, history and literature. They also choose electives from foreign language, dance, art, domestic life-style studies and more. Entrepreneurship is born, students work together to run the school's Farmers Market, as well as creating their own small business to take to market.

Latch Key
Latch Key

High School
High School
Our high school program will run as a mixed age group of 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grade. We will offer a standard and honors curriculum. Along with the basics of math, science, history, language, we will also offer some classes for college credits. Dr. Montessori understood that adolescence is a time of intense preparation for adult life. In addition to basic studies, students also have life experiences including public speaking, entrepreneurship, cooking, managing a classroom budget and helping run the farm.

Enroll Today for 2025-2026 Academic Year
To receive an application, please email nicolesmith@childrenstribe.org